15+ Shopify SEO Tips

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15+ Shopify SEO Tips


Shopify is the fastest growing ecommerce platform in the market. Business owners can use Shopify to build their own online store.

These are a few SEO tips for your Shopify store:

1. To get traffic to your online store you need to use the keywords the users are using to search. For this you should do keyword research and find your main keywords. You can search Google to find the words or phrases that describe your product or category pages. You can use Ahrefs Keyword Explorer to find out the most popular way people are searching for products.

ahrefs keyword explorer

2. Create a site structure that makes it easy for the users to navigate. Site structure also helps the search engines to understand your site. You should maintain hierarchy by putting the main pages on top followed by the sub-category pages which are followed by the product pages.

3. Create unique content and avoid duplicate content. When you use duplicate content the search engine may not show the copying site in the search results.

4. Use unique titles and meta descriptions as they are used to define how your store shows up in the search engine. You should optimize your title tags, meta descriptions and the URLs. You should add keywords in all of them.

meta title and meta description

5. Shopify gives you an option to write product descriptions. You should write unique product descriptions. Search engines use these descriptions to understand your page.

6. Image optimization is also a part of SEO. If you are using images for your Shopify store then you should optimize them. All images should include Alt-tags with relevant keywords.

7. Page speed is a ranking factor and so you should keep your site speed fast. You can use PageSpeed Insights or GTMetrics to check your site’s speed. For your Shopify store you can use themes that are fast, compress your images and only use apps that are required.

pageSpeed insights

8. Your home page is a powerful page. You should generate navigation links on your home page to give a path to your website’s audiences. You should link product pages from your home page so the visitors can land directly on the product pages.

9. Use structured data about your products which can be used to be displayed in rich results. This can lead to more clicks, traffic and business.

10. Shopify stores create a sitemap for all the pages of your website automatically. You can submit your sitemap to Google Search Console or Bing Webmaster Tool in order to get your website crawled and indexed.

11. The more high-quality backlinks a page has the more organic traffic it gets from Google. Backlinks are a ranking factor too and when someone links to your website Google believes that the content is relevant.

12. Use Google Analytics to track and report your website traffic. You can get insights about your site.

google analytics

13. You can start blogging and create informational content to educate your readers along the buying journey. Blogging is also a good way of getting traffic. You can use the built-in Shopify blog feature and add fresh and relevant content regularly.

14. Shopify offers a SEO Suite app which you can use to know how the search engine sees your online store and get feedback about your optimization efforts. You can use it to improve your SEO efforts.

15. For sites it is important to build internal links. You should build internal links to all the pages of your site.

16. You should make sure your site is set for HTTPS. This is important to make your website secure.

17. Use the built-in redirect tool to redirect the dead pages. If you have out-of-stock items which will come back online then do not delete those pages.