10+ Page Speed Tools For Better SEO

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10+ Page Speed Tools For Better SEO


Top Website Speed Test Tools

You need to perform well in the SERPs and engage your visitors. Therefore improving the speed and performance of your website is not optional. You will need to know what to work on to improve your website.

You can use the speed testing tools as they provide valuable information about performance issues and how to solve them. Advanced tools can be used to monitor the overall performance of your website.

You should focus on what the tool diagnoses and recommends about your website. When you use these tools you should check the tool’s testing location and features.

Page speed insight

Top speed testing tools

1. Google PageSpeed Insights
This tool is a gold standard for testing your website against Core Web Vitals (CWV). You get diagnostics right from the source. You can get a detailed breakdown of the CWV metrics and know if your website has passed the CWV. It also provides recommendations for improvements. It is a powerful tool for testing website speed.

2. GTMetrix
This tool helps in general website performance but it is much better for testing website speed. You can use it with or without an account. To test you just have to paste the URL of the page you want to check. It provides useful scores and recommendations. It offers an overview of what you can improve on your website and links to resources to solve your website speed issues.


You can sign up for a free account as without it you can test websites from Canada only. With an account, you get access to more locations and this helps to assess page load time much better.

3. Pingdom Website Speed Test
This tool allows you to run a speed test by entering the URL. You get multiple locations to test from. You can get general recommendations on the website speed improvement. It is a good testing tool if you know your web development and can take action based on the recommendations given by the tool. It is a popular and reliable tool.
4. Uptrends
This is a paid tool but offers a 30-day free trial. It is a very consumer-friendly tool and offers more than just speed tests. It provides uptime monitoring, real-user monitoring, metrics on performance by location and live users, internal server monitoring and more.

5. Dareboost
This tool is a regular speed test tool but is focused on Core Web Vitals. Though it is always better to get your performance test done from the source. This tool offers tons of diagnostic and recommendations than any other tool.

6. WebPageTest.Org
This is a versatile website speed-testing tool. You can run a simple and fast test. It also offers advanced options and if you tweak the setting a bit more you get a huge variety of servers. It allows you to evaluate network speeds and devices. You can get a detailed breakdown of the Core Web Vital metrics.

Page speed treemap

7. Dotcom-Monitor
This is a paid tool and a part of the Dotcom tools suite. It offers a 30-day free trial. You can get advance reporting, alerts and even third-party integrations for speed testing. Dotcom-Monitor is the right choice if you want a powerful website performance testing suite.

8. Site 24x7
This tool is built for enterprises and big sites. It offers a robust performance monitoring system and also offers good features. The tool has exhaustive monitoring capabilities and offers page speed tests, DNS server monitoring, lots of locations for tests and internal network monitoring. This is a paid tool and not the first pick by any average site owner. It does offer a 30-day free trial.

9. Geekflare Website Audit
This tool provides tips and tricks that go way beyond simple website speed improvements. It offers some good tools for page auditing. This tool can be a good choice when you are testing the performance of a new website.

The tool offers recommendations like an overview of the resources you need to optimise, diagnostics to check where your website speed dips, how your website fares against web performance best practices, information on SEO standing, how your website fares against content best practices and crawling and indexing tips.

10. Yellow Lab Tools
This tool is a regular suite for speed tests and offers some options for the simulated device you use. It also offers some advanced options and the reports it provides are pretty advanced. It offers extensive information on file optimisation and how to do CSS delivery. This tool is not too accurate with the scoring and it could miss some performance issues.

11. Uptime.Com
This is an all-in-one web performance monitoring suite and offers tons of features. It offers detailed report generation, alerts, page speed tests and general monitoring. Though it has a small number of servers. This tool offers helpful recommendations for improvements.

You can get a waterfall of your page loading timeline, an in-depth analysis of the page’s current state and a history of tests to see page evolution. This tool is also good if you want to check how your website interacts with the DOM resources. It is one of the best tools for monitoring performance.

12. Google Chrome DevTools
This tool offers page speed tests and information on things like SEO and accessibility. It offers options like performance where you can record the page you are on and get a waterfall timeline. You can use it to measure Core Web Vitals and the tests will come straight from Google.

13. SpeedCurve
This tool has a great setup process and asks you a few questions to learn about your online presence. It provides plenty of choices for the servers and the devices you use in tests. This tool has complex features and therefore you should take assistance while setting up this tool.

This tool offers a lot of reports on CWV, content and general page speed. It also offers actionable advice. It has other features like a comparison between website pages against competitors and more.

14. GiftofSpeed
This is a simple speed test tool. It offers a decent selection of servers but does not offer a variety of devices. The tool has great assessments and helpful recommendations. Though the interface needs improvement.

15. ManageEngine Applications Manager
This tool has to be downloaded to get started. Once you set up the tool you can analyse your website and get reports about your URLs, content and pages. It has an uptime checker which alerts when anything goes down.

16. Alertra This tool does not provide speed testing tools. It is just an uptime checker. When this type of speed monitoring tool is combined with a page speed test it could get pricey. If you want the entire package for less then you can use a free page speed tool with Alertra.

If you want to improve the performance of your website then you can approach Supramind.com, we are SEO consultants with expertise in technical SEO and on-page SEO.